Coming out
I've just come back here and I've been amazed to discover that most of the people who used to read my blog still check in occasionally to see what's new. I've also had a few people ask me to post, argue with my decision to quit, etc. This, frankly, blows my mind.
I miss blogging. Which doesn't so much blow my mind as I know how much of a narcissist I am. Why wouldn't anyone want to get wrapped up in the minutiae of my sordid life?
So I'm not (quite) coming out of retirement, but I may post here occasionally. And I will post on a weekly basis at my new site, which looks like hell right now using one of those canned blogblog templates because I don't have time to do otherwise and because I've learned one of the hard lessons of first time authors -- you're pretty far down on the list of priorities for your publisher and you need to get off your ass and help yourself as much as possible. So eventually, there may be a fancier looking site for me, but for now you can read my book-related musings over there.
You'll also notice I've come out of the closet. I doubt anyone gives much of a rat's arse about my true identity, given that I'm not on the CSIS or FBI lists as far as I know and that my students already think I'm nuts.
So read over there about my book and about things in the world of the psychology of space and place that interest me. And expect to see the occasional and sporadic rant about something else right here.
Got it?
Happy long weekend everyone.
I miss blogging. Which doesn't so much blow my mind as I know how much of a narcissist I am. Why wouldn't anyone want to get wrapped up in the minutiae of my sordid life?
So I'm not (quite) coming out of retirement, but I may post here occasionally. And I will post on a weekly basis at my new site, which looks like hell right now using one of those canned blogblog templates because I don't have time to do otherwise and because I've learned one of the hard lessons of first time authors -- you're pretty far down on the list of priorities for your publisher and you need to get off your ass and help yourself as much as possible. So eventually, there may be a fancier looking site for me, but for now you can read my book-related musings over there.
You'll also notice I've come out of the closet. I doubt anyone gives much of a rat's arse about my true identity, given that I'm not on the CSIS or FBI lists as far as I know and that my students already think I'm nuts.
So read over there about my book and about things in the world of the psychology of space and place that interest me. And expect to see the occasional and sporadic rant about something else right here.
Got it?
Happy long weekend everyone.