Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Blowing off the day

It's reading week this week, which means no teaching for me. I've got a gazillion things that need to be done at work. So what did I do today? I stayed home, wilfed the net, talked to telemarketers, chitchatted with people over email, offered one of my extra Elton John tickets to our cute blonde neighbour, spent about two hours trying to make one simple change to my stupid friggin' el cheapo website (without any luck), watched a repairman work in our yard for a bit (ok ok we still have the hot tub but it has become more of a freezing cold moneypit this winter), tried to figure out all the features of my smartphone that I couldn't be bothered to find out about when I got it (and discovered that I couldn't really figure them out and/or that they don't work as advertised).

I did manage to make a delicious batch of lentil soup though. The great thing about soup is that if you even have the tiniest inkling of what flavours work together you can impress your friends, family, neighbours with incredibly simple brews. Start with fresh vegetables and wine and it's actually pretty hard to make bad soup.


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