Thursday, July 24, 2008

Emptying the nest

Sad to see my last post was about galumphing on the trail given that shortly after this I tore a calf muscle (dancing) and have not been able to galumph at all since then.

Summer proceeds apace, though it was great to have a server in a restaurant yesterday tell me we're not at the halfway point yet.

Emptying the nest. Oldest offspring just got a job in Toronto. Only for 4 months but still....

Second oldest going away to university.

So in September we'll be down to a household of only SIX. I'll be rattling around empty hallways like Kierkegaard.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

hot as hades

And yet still I've galumphed down the trail and earned the beer I'll sip tonight at the James Taylor concert.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Not dying

Merely filled with a collection of interesting crystals and stones. I didn't realize that a part of the process of becoming a fossil is actually becoming a fossil.

So my new mantra, at least for the couple of weeks it will take me to forget all the stern admonitions from my doctor, shall be that a rolling stone gathers no stones.

Time perhaps to resurrect that red wine equilibrium which I've neglected (the numerator but certainly not the denominator). Back on the trail. Shrek lives.