Friday, June 01, 2007

All is getting righter

I managed to run. It wasn't pretty -- my legs felt like concrete -- but I did the obligatory 31 minutes (don't ask) and lived. Not only this, but I made the executive decision to work from home today, even though vast numbers of children have been bouncing around above my head (a friend came over for a while with her 2 kids, bringing yummy hummus with her). Not only this, but then with a mighty, authoritative rap on the door, the postman arrived bearing a new coffee maker. In my opinion, the only home coffee maker worth having is the Bodum electric vacuum press and mine died some time ago. There's been some kind of bodumlicious coffeemaker catastrophe, possibly linked to their having switched production the China, the bastards, and having the already somewhat precarious machine suffer a serious decline in quality control -- rumours of units shipped with fairly substantial parts -- like the bottom of the jug -- missing. In desperation, I turned to ebay where I found a very nice man in Boca Raton who owned 10 of these. I ordered two -- one for a neighbour but I'm tempted, now that I see the shiny cartons, to keep them both for when the new one dies (there's a universal law in my house that coffeemakers can only last one year).

See what's happening here? Instead of getting pithy commentary on space and the environment, you're getting the sordid desiderata of my not so exciting life. Just you wait until that new site goes live...then I'll be full of righteous anger and stuff.


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