Tuesday, April 08, 2008


So just when I'm working so hard at being gloomy and doomy, I get invited to have dinner with this guy who's probably going to be brimming with great ideas to make our lives better. Trying not to be excited. Trying so hard...practising my dour doomer face....not....working....damned endorphins.

My run was almost spoiled by the fact that I was accosted by two aggressive young men on the trail who demanded that I rip the earbuds out of my ears so I could hear the news of Jesus Christ. I kept going, fuming at their audacity, but then I saved the day by spending the next few minutes fantasizing about how I would toss them both into the muddy ditch if they were still there lying in wait on my return leg. Luckily for all of us, they weren't. Unfortunately, I think I strained my soleus a bit in my ardour to get back to them. Even if they had been there, I probably wouldn't have shoved them. Probably. But I would have yelled a lot. What is it with these guys anyway? What kind of religion is so desperate for new recruits that they send out storm troopers to belay joggers in the park? There was a look of desperation on their faces, as if they'd realized how badly we'd fucked up everything and now just wanted to find lots of other sorry lost souls so we could all hang onto each other and sing sad dirges as the ship went down. Not me. No matter how pessimistic I might be, I'm not giving up.


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